Amazon UPC Code | Importance And How To Get It

Amazon UPC code refers to the Amazon Product Code, also known as the Merchandise Barcode.The UPC is a widely used product identification standard managed by the GS1 organization in the United States. It is a string of numbers, usually consisting of 12 digits, used to uniquely identify specific products and merchandise.

UPC barcodes are also available in standardized and shortened versions, with the standardized version consisting of 12 digits and the shortened version consisting of 8 digits. The coding structure of the standard version of UPC12 is as follows: system code (1 digit) + vendor code (5 digits) + commodity code (5 digits) + check code (1 digit).


Amazon UPC code


The role of Amazon UPC code

Product identification and uniqueness

UPC code is a global product identification standard, by assigning a unique UPC code to each individual product, it can ensure the uniqueness and identification of the product in the Amazon marketplace.

Product Listings and Categorization

UPC codes help to correctly list products in the appropriate product categories on Amazon. Sellers are required to provide UPC codes for their products when creating product listings. Amazon uses these codes to determine the category and attributes of the product and place it in the appropriate product catalog so that buyers can easily search and browse for related items.

Selling and inventory management

Amazon uses UPC codes to manage and track sellers’ inventory and sales. Whenever a buyer purchases your product, the system will make inventory deductions and update inventory quantities based on the product’s UPC code. In addition, UPC codes help to ensure that your products are not confused with those of other sellers, maintaining the accuracy and clarity of the sale.

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The Importance of Amazon UPC code in Shipping

It’s not just the selling process, but the recent Amazon scrutiny of PO code accuracy also has a direct impact on the logistical side of a seller’s business.

All the whole container direct delivery of goods PO need to be one-to-one correspondence, and accurate and effective. However, if any single or multiple POs of the whole container are invalid, the customer needs to re-open the PO or change the split. Mixed delivery or set delivery will lead to a series of problems such as blocked trucking account and refusal to accept, not on the shelves, and so on.

How to apply for UPC barcode

  • Provide basic materials of the company:
  • The company’s annual turnover.
  • The approximate number of UPC barcodes required.
  • Business license registration certificate material.
  • There are also specific descriptions of your products, occupational descriptions.


FBA product preparation


Amazon UPC code application considerations

  1. Choose the authority of the UPC code application organization. UPC code is a global commodity identification code, so the application process is recommended to choose GS1 and other authoritative organizations to apply to ensure the legitimacy of the code and recognizability.
  2. Fill in the application form carefully with the application information. The information in the application form includes the basic information of the company or individual, product information, sales channels, etc. All these information will affect the use of UPC code, so it needs to be filled out carefully. For example, if wrong product information is filled in, it may lead to the Amazon UPC code not being recognized correctly.
  3. Before applying for Amazon UPC code, you can learn about the rules and standards of using UPC code to ensure that the goods can be recognized globally.
  4. After obtaining the Amazon UPC code, you need to print it on the product in time and ensure that the code is clear and complete. Merchants can choose to print on their own or entrust a third-party organization to print.
  5.  UPC code is a kind of code with a period of time, which needs to be renewed regularly, or the expired code will not be able to be used. Therefore, merchants need to pay attention to the expiration time of the UPC code and renew it in time.

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