Amazon PO Number | The Most Complete Definition

Amazon PO number refers to Purchase Order number, which is used to identify a specific delivery of goods or services.  Amazon PO number is usually used to mark the seller’s shipment to the warehouse for accurate tracking and management during the logistics process.

The generation of Amazon PO number is usually like this: determine the price with the guest – the guest sends back a PO – the seller issues a sales contract or invoice – the order is finalized, which is mentioned in the PO sent by the buyer to the seller, basically should contain the buyer and seller’s company name, address, telephone, product details, description, quantity, payment methods and other information.

The Amazon PO number usually consists of a string of numbers or letters and is an important link between the seller and Amazon, ensuring that the goods are properly received, warehoused and put on the shelves.

Where to see the Amazon PO number?

You can get the corresponding PO number in the order management page of Amazon backend. The specific operation path is as follows:

  1. Login to Amazon Seller Center.
  2. Enter the order management page.
  3. Find the corresponding order and click the order number. 
  4. In the order details page, you can see the PO number and other related information.

Here’s another article related to Amazon PO:

Attention!Amazon PO Number New Policy Requirements-2023


Amazon PO number


Reasons for Amazon PO number failure

PO number failure can be caused by the following reasons:

Invalid PO number: It may be a PO number that was entered incorrectly, reused, or expired.

Logistics system problem: It may be a fault or delay in the logistics system that prevents the PO number from being processed and recognized correctly.

Supply Chain Problems: It may be that the supplier has not sent or confirmed the PO number as required, resulting in mismatched or untraceable information.

Related video:


Handling of Amazon PO number failure

When a seller realizes that the PO number is invalid, he/she should take the following handling methods:

Self-checking and verification: Sellers should first check the accuracy of the PO number by themselves. Check whether the PO number is correctly entered, valid and matches the information of the delivered vehicle.

Communicate with logistics partners: If it is found that the PO number failure is caused by problems in the logistics system or supply chain, the seller should communicate with the logistics partners to find a solution.

Apply for activation: If the seller finds that the PO number is invalid because it has not been activated in time, the seller should apply for activation according to the procedure to ensure that the goods can be delivered to the warehouse normally.

Contact with Amazon: If activation is not possible or the problem cannot be solved, sellers should contact Amazon in time to provide relevant information and seek support and solutions.


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Preventive Measures and Suggestions

To avoid the problem of PO number invalidation, sellers can take the following preventive measures and suggestions:

Record PO numbers accurately

 Ensure that PO numbers are recorded and entered accurately to avoid input errors or reuse.

Confirm PO accuracy in advance

Confirm the accuracy and validity of PO numbers with suppliers or buyers before shipment to avoid subsequent problems.

Work closely with logistics partners

Establish a good relationship with reliable logistics partners, communicate closely and work together to solve potential problems.

Keep up to date with Amazon policies

regularly learn the policies and regulations of Amazon platform, comply with the requirements and adapt to the changes in time.

There is another one related to the PO number: the PRO number.
PRO is a mandatory option when booking a delivery at the end, we can understand it as a waybill tracking number or called a reference number, and this number corresponds to each PO number.

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